Sspx on pope francis
Sspx on pope francis

sspx on pope francis sspx on pope francis

He just keeps getting better deals and then pulls back at the last minute.This report will highlight some of the more dramatic aspects of the Bishop’s Saturday conference and his Sunday sermon.īishop Fellay quoted in detail Sister Lucy, those who have read the Third Secret, and those who have knowledge of the Secret. ? Oh well, I don't think Bishop Fellay will ever sign any deal anyway. Schismatic statements and will now submit to the Magisterium- and not the "Tradition of all time" of their imagination.Īnd what would become of the FSSP? Those priests who chose to remain within the Church, faithful to the Holy Father and not risk excommunication? Sure, we have to rescue the "lost sheep" and, of course we should rejoice over the "prodigal son's return," but. Is this a leap of faith?Īnd what of the absolutely horrible things Fellay has said about the Novus Ordo being "evil" and his consistent carping criticism of Vatican II? I certainly hope they've had to recant their Perhaps Bishop Fellay sees the hand of God in this centenary of Fatima. Things do not seem to be adding up logically. What is the Holy Father hoping to accomplish by this? He has admitted they're "Catholic", but he opposes much they hold dear. The questions to be asking are how can the Holy Father be so supportive of the SSPX in light of his track record? How can he condemn rigorism and yet be so accommodating? If they're not among the most rigorist, nobody is. Vatican close to agreement with Society of St.Pope Francis ‘helps SSPX in its plans for new headquarters in Rome’ ( Catholic Herald).Il Foglio reports that Pope Francis played an important role in paving the way for the agreement to purchase the new property.įor all current news, visit our News home page. The complex could be used as a center for studies and a headquarters for the newly established prelature. To date the only personal prelature in the Catholic Church is Opus Dei.Īccording to a report in the Italian daily Il Foglio, the SSPX has reached a tentative agreement to purchase the property of Santa Maria Immacolata all’Esquilino, a large complex in the center of Rome, roughly midway between the Victor Emmanuel monument and the basilica of St.

sspx on pope francis

The prelature has its own clergy, but lay members of the prelature remain under the jurisdiction of their local diocesan bishops. The prelature is a non-territorial structure under the leadership of a prelate-who may or may not be a bishop-named by the Pope. He said that the group would not wait for a perfect situation, but would agree to an acceptable deal.Ī personal prelature is a new canonical structure, envisioned by Vatican II, that is established for a special pastoral purpose. Bishop Fellay said that the SSPX is anxious to reach an accord that would establish its canonical status. Last month Archbishop Pozzo confirmed that the talks were aimed toward the creation of a personal prelature for the SSPX.īishop Bernard Fellay, the superior of the SSPX, has also said that an agreement is close. Shop: Roman Catholic "RC" Brand Original White Logo Collection Premium Tee | Multiple colors and sizes available!Īrchbishop Guido Pozzo, the secretary for the Ecclesia Dei commission that has been conducting talks with the traditionalist group, met with Pope Francis on Monday, February 27.

Sspx on pope francis